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Children's Classes 

Age 3+

Growing Together

The AIM Martial Arts and Leadership system encourages self-discipline confidence and fitness in Children

Every parent knows 3 to 6 is a critical time in a child’s development.

In other words – it determines future success……… But, it often breeds future problems!

Above all, focus is on “life skills”. Gained through the discipline of martial arts.

For instance, great improvements will be noticed in your child’s focus, language skills, self discipline and listening skills.

Certainly, these are all key to moving forward at this age. But can be tricky for some children to master.

Firstly, week by week the lesson structure is constant. Therefore building familiarity.

Secondly, attention is maintained by an exciting variation in the content of individual lessons.

In addition, by using Personal Progress Sheets, your child will work to improve tasks and life skills outside the academy.

This helps your child understand the life lessons taught in the academy.

Lets them apply them to daily life. In other words, making them the best little people they can be…

Above all, every parent of a Ninja Tot says the same two things

Firstly “Its amazing how much more self confidence they have”

Secondly “They are so much better behaved”

In conclusion, give your child the best possible leg up in life!

Our children's classes include stranger danger and Bully Proofing strategies

Children's Classes  Age 3+: Service
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